31-Day Video Devotional
Hover over each day for a video devotional!
Pastor Scott
Luke 1:26–38
Annunciation to Mary
Gabriel announces the birth of Jesus to Mary.
Pastor Marcio
Luke 2:1-20
Birth of Jesus
Jesus is born in Bethlehem and visited by shepherds and Magi.
Pastor Sebastian
Matthew 2:1-12
Birth of Jesus
The Holy Family flees Herod’s massacre.
Pastor Holly
Luke 2:41-50
Boy Jesus in the Temple
At age 12, Jesus discusses Scripture with temple teachers.
Pastor Sebastian
Matthew 3:13-17
Baptism of Jesus
John baptizes Jesus; God’s voice affirms Him.
Pastor GP
Matthew 4:1-11
Temptation in the Wilderness
Jesus fasts for 40 days and resists Satan
Pastor Josh
John 1:35–51, Mark 1:16–20
Calling of the First Disciples
Jesus calls Peter, Andrew, James, and John.
Darla Young
John 2:1–11
Wedding at Cana
Jesus performs His first miracle by turning water into wine.
Pastor Scott
Matthew 5–7
Sermon on the Mount
Jesus teaches the Beatitudes, prayer, and kingdom values.
Pastor Tommy
Mark 4:35–41
Calming the Storm
Jesus demonstrates His authority over nature.
Pastor Peter
Mark 2:1–12
Healing a Paralytic
Jesus forgives sins and heals a man lowered through a roof.
Pastor Kelly
Mark 5:21–43
Raising Jairus’ Daughter
Jesus brings a young girl back to life.
Pastor Ethan
John 6:1-14
Feeding the 5,000
Jesus multiplies loaves and fish to feed a crowd.
Pastor GP
Matthew 14:22-33
Calming the Storm
Jesus walks on the sea and calms His disciples.
Pastor Peter
John 9:1–12
Healing the Blind Man
Jesus restores a man’s sight to reveal God’s glory.
Pastor Tomas
Luke 17:11-19
Healing of the Ten Lepers
Only one returns to thank Jesus.
Pastor Mark
John 4:1-42
The Woman at the Well
Jesus reveals He is the Messiah to a Samaritan woman.
Pastor Kelly
Luke 10:25-37
Parable of the Good Samaritan
A lesson on love and compassion.
Pastor Tommy
Luke 15:11–32
Parable of the Prodigal Son
A story of repentance and the Father’s love.
Pastor Darla
Matthew 13:1–23
Parable of the Sower
Jesus Explains how people respond to God’s Word.
Pastor Holly
Mark 4:30-32
Parable of the Mustard Seed
The Kingdom of God starts small but grows large.
Pastor Mark
Luke 7:36–50
Forgiving the Sinful Woman
A woman anoints Jesus’ feet, showing great love.
Pastor Ethan
John 11:1–44
Raising Lazarus
Jesus brings Lazarus back to life, showing His power over death.
Pastor Tomas
Matthew 21:1–11
Triumphal Entry
Jesus enters Jerusalem as King, fulfilling prophecy.